What is the difference between Cosco Scenera NEXT and Maxi-Cosi Cabriofix?
What is the difference between Cosco Scenera NEXT and Maxi-Cosi Cabriofix?
In this week’s article, Elise (our head car seat technician) answers to a question from a reader, Nadia, regarding the differences between the two of the most popular car seats available in the market: the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and the taxi-friendly Cosco Scenera NEXT. If you happen to be interested in the differences between these two car seats, let us address it for you! If you’re not in a mood for a read, you may listen to the podcast below.
Nadia thinks that her son, Marco, seems to be outgrowing his current infant car seat, Maxi Cosi Cabriofix. His legs were sticking out of his car seat and are touching the back of the vehicle seat. She’s set her eyes on the Cosco Scenera NEXT as Marco’s next car seat but would first like to know the main difference between the two car seats.

Hi Nadia, before we get to the main differences between the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and the Cosco Scenera NEXT, I suspect that Marco’s got at least six to twelve more months left in his infant car seat, based on the images that you've sent. The Cabriofix can be used until, 1) Marco exceeds thirteen kilograms or 2) the top of his head is taller than the top of the car seat: in other words, when his head pops out of the car seat, resembling a lipstick that’s opened - whichever happens FIRST. The length and the position of a child’s legs in any rear-facing car seat are never important indicators of, 1) when the child has gotten too big for the car seat, 2) whether the child is comfortable or, 3) whether the child is safe. From this point onwards, every single rear-facing car seat will have Marco’s legs—at least—touching the back of the vehicle seat. As he gets older, he can either cross his legs, straighten his legs up the back of the vehicle seat or bend his legs. All of these options are completely safe and comfortable, and none of these mean that he’s outgrown the car seat.
Let’s compare the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and the Cosco Scenera NEXT now! The Cosco weighs three kilograms, a tad lighter than the Cabriofix, which is about four and a half kilograms. Aside from that, the main differences between these two car seats can be quickly broken down into: 1) standard of certification, 2) height and weight limits and 3) the compatibility with strollers.
Difference #1: standard of certification
The Cabriofix is an European car seat while the Cosco is an American car seat. This is of paramount significant for two particular reasons, depending if you’re taking along the car seat when you travel outside of Singapore and the compatibility of the seatbelt system that you’re using with the car seat. Any seat belts outside of North America are not automatically compatible with American car seats and thus you’ll need to use a locking clip. This is why we include a taxi-friendly locking clip with our Cosco Scenera NEXT.
Difference #2: height and weight limits
Infant car seats like the Cabriofix typically last only until the child is two years old or when the child exceeds thirteen kilograms. On the other hand, the Cosco Scenera NEXT can last a child until approximately four years old (or some time between four and five years old). The maximum weight the Cosco can accommodate is eighteen kilograms.
Difference #3: stroller compatibility
Lastly, the Cabriofix and the Cosco differ in terms of how the car seat is moved around when you’re not in the car. The Cabriofix accommodates many strollers — it’s got adapters on the side that click into adapters on a stroller. The Cosco is compatible with a lot of strollers, particularly the Mountain Buggy strollers, but it doesn’t work the same way as the infant car seats (like the Cabriofix). The Cosco doesn’t click into strollers, it either sits in a car seat adaptor frame or it’s strapped onto the buggy with the help of a car seat adaptor strap.
If you’re interested, you can have a look at how the Cosco Scenera NEXT fits on strollers at our strollerhacks database, who knows, maybe you’ll find your current pram there! If you’ve got any other questions, please feel free to let us know. Take care! xx Elise
If you need some child restraint advice from us, simply click here. For more information, you may contact us at info@taxibaby.com or @taxibabyco on Facebook and Instagram. Safe travels!